Monday, February 25, 2013

inspiration monday

where do you get inspiration?

Well if you're anything like me it pretty much comes up outta nowhere and hits you in the head.  Today I was wiping tables in the cafetaria and I got an idea for another math game for March (how did that happen?) I know that in the past year or so since I joined pinterest and found TpT, I have read and learned from an amazing community of teachers.  I would have never thought that I would design stuff for other people to buy! so where does it comes from? I guess I truly don't know! My students inspire and challenge me everyday to be better.

Other areas of inspiration? for some reason I decided to start running 3 years ago (never been a runner, not much of an exerciser) but my friend wanted me to join her in "beginning running class" so I did it. and you'll never guess what happened? I actually like running!  so it's inspiration monday after all and I guess it's appropriate because I started my half-marathon training today.  Right now I can barely go 3 miles but soon I'll be at 13.6? That's crazy! Here's to the next 13 weeks in hopes it all goes well!

Happy Monday Everyone, remember inspiration is everywhere!

oh and check these out too!
March Math Task Cards for 3rd Grade

Saturday, February 23, 2013

ahh Saturday!

Ok well I didn't sleep for 9 million hours about I did sleep for about 10 hours last night and it was great! I got up and finished making cupcakes for my friend's daughter's birthday and also had the chance to work on a new St Paddy's Day math game.  That's 14 products so far!

Click here to get it for $1.50!

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

a road trip and a new product!

wow...I'm tried!
It's Thursday and I'm ready to sleep for about 9 million hours! I just finished my newest unit about Biomes and I love it, I originally just made an outline but I realized that wasn't gonna cut it so i decided to become a writer...well, sorta.  I decided that my unit needed to include some actual text so my students could really read and find the material.  So that's what I did! I wrote about Rain forests, the Tundra, the Taiga, Deserts and check out my product to see more.  I also added 38 vocabulary cards {vocabulary came from the book I made}, venn diagrams and a KWL activity.

Exploring Biomes Pack

 I went on a road trip with my two bestest friends to visit my other bestest friend who now lives and teaches in Seattle.  We had the best time! Lots of laughs, food and drinks! It was a great time but I think a need a vacation from my vacation!

Here were are riding "The Great Wheel" at Miners Landing on the pier.  Left to right my friend Victoria (lives in Seattle) Carrie (she's a fabulous hair dresser!) Me! (I got that gorgeous shirt at Nordstrom Rack in downtown Seattle) and Pam (my face is still recovering from all the laughing).  I totally loves these girls! It's so great to have such wonderful friends, I'm lucky :)

here's a few more pics from the trip...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A journey of the heart

So I discovered Pinterest  teachers pay teachers and blog land around a year and half ago and ever since then I have one particular blog and I love to read and that would be Step into Second Grade with Amy Lemons.  She and her husband have been on amazing journey to adopt a child from Africa.  A journey that look one year to complete.  I follow her personal blog as well as her teaching blog and I was overjoyed and cried a little bit when I read read that she and Jared would be leaving for Africa and shortly there after pictures of their sweet little girl.  I don't this person other than through her blog and teaching stuff but she is truly an inspiration to me.  Amy and Jared both have proved to me the power of faith.  I'm thankful that I've got to see their journey and I am so happy for them and their little girl.  She's one lucky kid!

I've added my new addition and subtraction posters! check them out!  first comment and i'll send them to you for free!
Addition and Subtraction Strategy Posters!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Super Sunday Sale!

I was very good today, got up and went to CrossFit and it was a great workout and now I'm sore! And the sun is out! It's only 34 degrees here in North Idaho but it's still beautiful.  Our winter tends to last long here and I think most of us suffer from seasonal affect disorder, spring is always welcome.
Check us out though, I live in a gorgeous place!

Anyway I uploaded something new Solar System Vocabulary and as of tomorrow, Super Bowl Sunday everything at my store (and most everybody else's store) is on sale 28% off!!!  Be sure to check it out!

Here's a link!

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